ArtbooksYamazaki-home 美術書 山崎書店 京都・岡崎・神宮道 English Page-here |
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京華図案 | |
長谷川契華/古谷紅麟 | |
芸艸堂 | |
明30 | |
『契花百菊』を手がけた長谷川契華と『新美術海』を手がけた古谷紅麟の作品。「楓と鹿」「扇」「牡丹」など「日本らしい」花鳥風月を描いたモチーフがありつつも、抽象化されたり、ポップで漫画のような図柄も目に留まる。多色摺木版画全251点を掲載。 | |
¥132,000 | |
Kyoka Zuan | |
Hasegawa Keika | |
Unsodo | |
1897 | |
The second part down, the sequel heavenly missing. This is the work of Hasegawa Keika, the author of "Keika Hyakugiku", and Furuya Korin who was the author of "Shiin bijyutsukai". While there are motifs depicting "typical Japanese" flowers, birds, wind, and the moon, such as "maple and deer", there are also abstracted, pop, and cartoon-like designs that catch the eye. A total of 251 multi-colored woodblock prints are included in this book. | |
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