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ƒQƒ“ƒgΥ’d‰ζ@ƒtƒ@ƒ“EƒGƒCƒN@The Ghent Altarpiece and the Art of Jan Van Eyck
L. B. Philip
The Ghent Altarpiece and the Art of Jan Van Eyck@by Lotte Brand Philip@‚P‚X‚W‚O”N@‰p•Ά@ƒy[ƒp[ƒoƒbƒN


The Ghent Altarpiece and the Art of Jan Van Eyck
The Ghent Altarpiece and the Art of Jan Van Eyck@by Lotte Brand Philip@‚P‚X‚W‚O”N@‰p•Ά@ƒy[ƒp[ƒoƒbƒN