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南米美術装飾図集 全29枚 | |
三K会編 | |
山本文華堂 | |
大11 | |
南米の伯林博物館、大英博物館、京都帝国大学(現京都大学)の所蔵品である南米土器や装飾品における文様をカラーおよびモノクロ図版にて集約。図版解説には、考古学者で京都帝国大学教授の濱田耕作。 | |
¥13,200 | |
San-K-Kai | |
Yamotomonka-Do | |
1922 | |
Includes some pictures of the collections of Kyoto Imperial Univercity(the present Kyoto University), British Museum and so on which are the potteries of South-America and the ornaments, and descriptions by Hamada Kosaku(Seiryo) who was the archaeologist and the professor of Kyoto Imperial University. | |
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