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インド美学入門2 全4冊 英文 
Elements of Indian Aesthetics VolumeII (Two streams of Indian Arts PartI・History and Thoughts of IndianArts II・The TantrikaIconography III・IndianGesturology IV・Primitive Arts Crafts and Alpana) by S.N. Ghoshal Sastri 挿絵少 カバー破れ少有 27×22cm


Elements of Indian Aesthetics VolumeII
Elements of Indian Aesthetics VolumeII (Two streams of Indian Arts PartI・History and Thoughts of IndianArts II・The TantrikaIconography III・IndianGesturology IV・Primitive Arts,Crafts and Alpana) by S.N. Ghoshal Sastri 挿絵少 カバー破れ少有 27×22cm