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The One Thousandth Caxton ‰p•Ά
Head Catalogue@Containing a selection of books from the stock of James Tregaskis and Son.@prolegomenonbyA. Edward Newton@James Tregaskis& Son London@”’•}”Ε‚P‚P“_A”’•‘}ŠG—L@‚Q‚S~‚P‚X‚ƒ‚


The One Thousandth Caxton
Head Catalogue@Containing a selection of books from the stock of James Tregaskis and Son.@prolegomenonbyA. Edward Newton@James Tregaskis& Son,London@”’•}”Ε‚P‚P“_A”’•‘}ŠG—L@‚Q‚S~‚P‚X‚ƒ‚