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‰pjƒAƒƒŠƒJ‚ΜŒ»‘γ”όp@NEW ART in AMERICA@Fifty Painters of the Twenty Century
NEW ART in AMERICA@Fifty Painters of the Twenty Century@by JohnI.H. Baur@NEW YORK GRAPHIC SOCIETY@}”Ε‘½”“ΰƒJƒ‰[}”Ε‚T‚O}@ƒJƒo[”j‚κ—L@‚R‚O~‚Q‚R‚ƒ‚


NEW ART in AMERICA Fifty Painters of the Twenty Century
NEW ART in AMERICA@Fifty Painters of the Twenty Century@by JohnI.H. Baur@NEW YORK GRAPHIC SOCIETY@}”Ε‘½”“ΰƒJƒ‰[}”Ε‚T‚O}@ƒJƒo[”j‚κ—L@‚R‚O~‚Q‚R‚ƒ‚