ArtbooksYamazaki-home 美術書 山崎書店 京都・岡崎・神宮道 English Page-here |
30455 | |
むらさきくさ | |
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河出書房 | |
昭31 | |
日本色彩の文化史的研究 古代から律令制までの色彩文化を体系的に論じます。古代紫の復原染布添しています。函背焼け 本体背焼けしみ | |
¥8,800 | |
Murasakikusa | |
Meda Yukichika | |
Kawade Shobou | |
1956 | |
A cultural historical study of Japanese color systematically discusses the color culture from ancient times to the Ritsuryo system. The book is accompanied by a reproduction of an ancient purple dyed cloth. The back of the box is burned, and the back of the body is stained. | |
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