ArtbooksYamazaki-home 美術書 山崎書店 京都・岡崎・神宮道 English Page-here |
18977 | |
前田家伝来衣裳 | |
梶山伸 | |
講談社 | |
昭43 | |
旧加賀藩主前田家伝来の狩衣、羽織など衣裳を174点集約した本書です。絢爛豪華な衣裳は、前田家の繁栄を物語ります。巻末には、図版解説と歴代略譜が掲載されています。装丁はグラフィックデザイナーである田中一光、また帙には、前田の家紋が大々的にあしらわれています。帙痛みあり。 | |
¥5,500 | |
Maedake Denrai Isho | |
Kajiyama Shin | |
Kodansha Ltd.,Publihshers | |
1968 | |
This book contains 174 pieces of costumes, including hunting clothes and haori, that were handed down from the Maeda family, former lords of the Kaga domain. The gorgeous costumes tell the story of the prosperity of the Maeda family. At the end of the book, there are illustrations and a biography of the generations. The binding is by Ikko Tanaka, a graphic designer, and the Maeda family crest is prominently displayed on the binding. The binding is stained. | |
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