ArtbooksYamazaki-home 美術書 山崎書店 京都・岡崎・神宮道 English Page-here |
13640 | |
笛畝画伯 御所人形十二題 | |
正田精 | |
御所人形十二題刊行会 | |
昭13 | |
西沢笛畝(にしざわ・てきほ)による人形の画集です。西沢笛畝は大正〜昭和初期に掛けて活躍した日本画家で、日本人形の収集家としても知られています。彩色木版画10図を掲載。 | |
¥66,000 | |
Gosyo Ningyo 12dai | |
Masada Sei | |
1938 | |
This is a collection of paintings of dolls by Tekiho Nishizawa. Nishizawa Tekiho was a Japanese painter active from the Taisho era to the early Showa era, and is also known as a collector of Japanese dolls. The book contains 10 colored woodblock prints. | |
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