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13628 | |
蘆手絵歌合 | |
山岡陳平 | |
八宝堂 | |
昭12 | |
蘆手とは、平安末期頃に用いられた絵文字。文字を水辺の風景の中に散らしたものを蘆手絵という。全50図の内2図欠(コピー入り) | |
¥104,500 | |
Ashide-e Uta-awase | |
Yamaoka Chinpei | |
Happoudo | |
1937 | |
Rote is a pictograph used around the end of the Heian period. It was used in the late Heian period (794-1185). The characters scattered in a waterside landscape are called ashide-e. Two of the 50 figures are missing (with photocopies). | |
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