ArtbooksYamazaki-home 美術書 山崎書店 京都・岡崎・神宮道 English Page-here |
13030 | |
虫類画譜 | |
森本東閣 | |
芸艸堂 | |
明43 | |
蝶やトンボなど様々な虫が描かれる。著者は、幸野楳嶺の長男で京都生まれの画家、森本東閣です。彩色木版画。柔らかな色彩で描かれています。彩色木版画 | |
¥55,000 | |
Churui Gafu | |
Morimoto Tokaku | |
Unsodo | |
1910 | |
Various insects such as butterflies and dragonflies are depicted. The author is Morimoto Tohkaku, a painter born in Kyoto and the eldest son of Kouno Bairei. Colored woodblock print. Painted with soft colors.1910 | |
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