ArtbooksYamazaki-home 美術書 山崎書店 京都・岡崎・神宮道 English Page-here |
12475 | |
ギュスターブ・カイユボット画集 | |
Kirk Varnedoe | |
Yale University Press | |
昭62 | |
ヒューストン美術館にて1976年に開催されたカイユボットの回顧展をもとに編集。ハードカバー 函無し | |
¥6,600 | |
Gustave Caillebotte | |
Kirk Varnedoe | |
Yale University Press | |
1987 | |
Hardcover. Based on the catalog of an exhibition entitled "Gustave Caillebotte: a retrospective exhibition" in 1976 by the Houston Museum of Fine Arts. The book includes beautiful colour reproductions of all of Caillebotte"s most important works his working drawings, and a selection of the critical responses to his art when first shown. ハ | |
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