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懐古縞 全2冊 服飾衣料標本
縞模様の着物図案を集約。単なる図案ではなく、実際の布地を摸写したような風合いが特徴です。また、懐古縞というタイトルからは、時代裂などの昔風の図案見本を掲載していることが伺えます。彩色木版刷 全29図 


Kaiko Shima 2 vols
A collection of striped kimono designs. The book is characterized by its texture, as if it were a reproduction of actual fabric, rather than a mere design. The title of the book, "Kaiseki Stripes," suggests that the book contains samples of old-fashioned designs such as those from period textiles. 29 colored woodblock prints.