ArtbooksYamazaki-home 美術書 山崎書店 京都・岡崎・神宮道 English Page-here |
11191 | |
有職源氏鑑 | |
児嶋玉鳳画 | |
近藤八寳堂 | |
昭6 | |
京都の版元、近藤八宝堂による出版です。本書は、源氏物語に登場するシーンをモチーフに描かれている。「桐壺」「空蝉」「夕霧」など、おなじみの名称が登場。彩色木版画54図 33×445cm 函入 蔵書印有 | |
¥165,000 | |
Yusoku Genji Kagami | |
Kojima Gyokuho | |
Happoudo | |
1931 | |
Published by Kondo Happodo, an imprint in Kyoto, Japan. This book is based on scenes from the Tale of Genji. The book is illustrated with motifs from scenes in the Tale of Genji, including familiar names such as "Kiritsubo," "Sorami," and "Yugiri. Illustrated with 54 woodblock prints, 33 x 45 cm, in a box, with a library stamp. | |
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